How Are You Doing With Your New Year’s Resolutions?
For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2 (NIV)
How are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions? Have you already given up on them?
One of my friends made these resolutions to guarantee success —
- I won’t lose ten pounds this year.
- I commit to watching the Super Bowl this year.
- I will listen to my iPod at least four days a week.
There is one guy who I suspect played for keeps when he made New Year’s resolutions. You know him, the zealot who could never do anything half-way, the let’s-get-real-about-our-faith Apostle Paul.
My thought is Paul only had one resolution on his list New Year’s list – ‘This year I resolve to know nothing but Christ and him crucified.’ (1 Corinthians 2:2)
Paul’s message is radically simple: Salvation is in Christ alone.
- It’s not Christ plus your call to ministry.
- It’s not Christ plus your theological education.
- It’s not Christ plus the size of your congregation.
- It’s not Christ plus your powerful preaching.
- It’s not Christ plus how many you lead to Jesus.
- It’s not Christ plus your years of sacrifice.
- It’s not Christ plus wisdom from the latest Christian seminar.
- It’s not Christ plus using the latest technology.
- It’s not Christ plus how many followers you have on Twitter.
It’s simply Christ. Christ plus nothing.
That’s Paul’s message, and it’s a message that is as true this year as it was when Paul first preached it.
This year resolve know nothing except Jesus Christ and him crucified and then watch how he — not you — empowers your ministry.
Jon Walker’s new book is Breakfast with Bonhoeffer:
“Best Christian book this year!!”
- “Amazing vulnerability, I could not put it down!”
- “Practical, painful and true.”
- “This is a real life book about the trials we face in an evil world.”
- “Unique writing style and perspective on living out the christian faith ….”
- “One of my favorite books of the year.”
This article © Copyright 2013 Jon Walker. All rights reserved. Used by permission.