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Pastor, Don’t Miss Christmas

You have a lot on your plate during this season. Christmas is one of the busiest and most overwhelming times of the year for pastors. You pour your heart out in preaching, planning, and leading during this time.

And for good reason—people are more open to the Good News about Jesus at Christmas than at just about any other time of the year.

But if we’re not careful, we can miss the heart of Christmas. You would think that would be impossible for a pastor during the holiday season. You’re preparing sermons on the meaning of Christmas. You’re planning Christmas outreach events. Even when you get home, you’re watching Christmas movies, listening to Christmas music, and buying Christmas gifts. 

But you can do all of that and completely miss the most important part—Jesus. 

Just think about all the people who missed Jesus that first Christmas.

The innkeeper was too busy. His inn was full, his schedule packed, and he was focused on running his business.

I know how easy it is for ministry to crowd out everything else right now, but if we don’t consciously make time for Jesus during this season, busyness will take over and we’ll miss him. 

The religious leaders let indifference take over. They knew the prophecies. They even told the wise men where to find Jesus. But they didn’t bother to go find him themselves. They were so wrapped up in their rituals that they didn’t recognize the miracle that was happening in front of them.

As pastors, we know the Christmas story better than most people do. But if we’re not careful, we’ll stop getting moved by the truth that God loves us so much that he sent his only Son to earth on that first Christmas. 

Herod let fear hold him back. He didn’t want to lose control of his throne. He was so focused on keeping control that he couldn’t embrace the Messiah. 

Sometimes we want our Christmas services to go so perfectly that we’re tempted to micro-manage everything. Trying to control the Christmas experience so tightly can keep us from obtaining the peace and joy God wants us to have while we serve him during Christmastime.

So what can you do to make sure you don’t miss Christmas this year?

  1. Simplify your schedule. You don’t need to do everything. Prioritize the Christmas activities you most need to be part of and give yourself the freedom to miss others.
  2. Find quiet and stillness. It’s tempting to let your quiet times go during the holiday season. You have a lot to do. But don’t give in to that temptation. Commit time every day to being quiet and still before God. When the Lord says, “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10 NIV), he means you, too.
  3. Celebrate with your family. Don’t let ministry steal your family time. Be present with them. Laugh, play, and worship together. Your family should be your first ministry.

Pastor, Christmas isn’t just for your congregation. It’s also for you! Jesus came on that first Christmas for you. You’re not just a shepherd for others; you’re a sheep under the care of Jesus. He wants you to come and rest in him this Christmas.

Let the miracle of the nativity minister to your heart in a new way this Christmas. He knows your stress. He knows your exhaustion. He knows your fear. 

And he longs for you to know his peace this Christmas. Let him show it to you.

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