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Discover how to become a purpose driven church with these resources

Testimony: Breaking the Generational Cycle of Pain

By Sylvia and Stan Sylvia – I’m a grateful believer in Jesus who struggles with co-dependency, pride, and food issues. …

Testimony: CR Step Study—A Lifeline Amid the Storms

By Hess I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ who struggles with depression and anger, and my name is …

Tending to My Emotions

By Sylvia Chesser, Celebration Place Director of Celebrate Recovery I grow vegetables as a hobby. I get such joy watching …

Testimony: Helping Families Find Hope and Freedom in Christ

By Sylvia I’m a grateful believer in Jesus, who struggles with co-dependency, pride, and food issues, and my name is …

Testimony: The Transformative Power of Jesus Christ

By Kenny I’m a grateful believer in Jesus who has issues with anger, codependency, shame, blame, and fear. My name …

Learn to Control Your Anger

“A person without self-control is as defenseless as a city with broken-down walls.” Proverbs 25:28 (NLT) Anything that’s uncontrolled will …

Testimony: You Can Be an Overcomer

By Tiffani Each hurt we go through can build walls in our lives; some can turn into good boundaries, others …

Testimony: God Uses All of Our Hurts

By Jeni My name is Jeni, and I’m a believer who struggles with Co-Dependency and Adult Child of Family Dysfunction. …

How to Manage Your Anger During a Crisis

It’s likely you and the people you’re leading are more short-tempered than usual this year. This shouldn’t surprise you. There …

We Love Because God Loves Us

“If I do not have love, I am only a noisy bell or a crashing cymbal.” 1 Corinthians 13:1 (NCV) …

What Made Jesus Mad? (Part 3)

There’s a bumper sticker that sarcastically cries, “Lord, save us from your followers.” Think about this. Jesus could have had …

What Made Jesus Mad? (Part 2)

Jesus was mad at the church leaders of his day because they were shutting the door of the kingdom of …

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