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Testimony: God Uses Broken People

By Michelle I am a grateful believer in Jesus. I struggle with depression and self-worth, and my name is Michelle. …

God’s Peace in the Midst of Pain

By Sarah Stanton, Celebrate Recovery National Director of Mental Health Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? …

Testimony: Never Alone in My Struggles

By Andy I’m a grateful believer in Jesus Christ who struggles with anxiety, depression, and sexual addiction, and my name …

Dear Suicidal Me

By Joe Dear Suicidal Me: If you’re reading this, you’re not in a good place. The track repeating in your …

Testimony: Seeing Myself Through the Eyes of Jesus

By Joe I’m a grateful believer in Jesus who struggles with mental health. My name is Joe. For most of …

Testimony: Planting My Identity in God’s Grace

By Cindy I would love to say that I needed recovery because of a few unhealthy habits or because of …

How the Church Can Help with Mental Health

I’ve always believed and taught that God uses our pain to help others. I’ve seen that to be true over …

Cast Your Cares on Jesus Again

By Teri It was my first day back to work after spending 26 days at my husband’s hospital bedside. The …

Four Ways to Deal With Your COVID-19 Worries

Worry is taking its toll on the world today.  Late last month, a poll by the American Psychiatric Association noted …

The Biblical Mandate to Serve People with Mental Illness

Healthy living must be an important issue for the church, giving Christians the opportunity to lead the effort globally to …

Who Pastors the Pastor?

My cousin’s trembling voice uttered the unthinkable. “Kay, I need to let you know that Wayne took his life this …

Replacing Lies with Truth

By Karen Hi, my name is Karen, and I am a grateful believer in Christ who struggles with fear and …

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