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Face Satan’s Darts with God’s Truth

Too many church leaders walk around discouraged because they’ve forgotten who the real enemy is.  They think it’s a political …

The Eternally Focused Leader

God has called us to lead in a world that’s often preoccupied with immediate gratification and short-term goals. Every problem …

Six Questions to Ask Before Making a Decision

Ministry leaders today are facing more decisions than ever before. We live in a multi-choice culture. And like a small …

How to Help Your Members Remember God’s Word

Spiritual growth isn’t automatic. Your congregation must be intentional about growing spiritually. They won’t grow by accident. The same is …

Why Celebrate Recovery Works

I’ve never kept this much of a secret: Celebrate Recovery® is my favorite ministry at Saddleback. We have lots of …

What’s More Important for Your Church: Growth or Control?

The church has been on the front lines of some of the greatest humanitarian crises of the past few decades. …

Building Your Ministry on the Promises of God

What makes Christian leaders distinctly Christian? Some say it’s how they lead—by serving others rather than using forced authority. Some …

The Epidemic of Bible Illiteracy in Our Churches

When was the last time you read a book? For almost 1 in 4 of us, it was more than …

Teaching Christ from the Old and New Testaments

Recently, I posted an interview with Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola. I appreciate both of their passion and enjoyed their …

New Research: Less Than 20% of Churchgoers Read the Bible Daily

Statistically, you can see a recurring pattern: Bible engagement is directly related to spiritual growth. While it may be possible …

The American Bible Society, the Good News Bible, and Missiology

Recently at a LifeWay chapel service, we hosted Dr. Lamar Vest, who is the President and CEO of the American …

Teach Your Congregation 5 Ways to Recognize God’s Truth

About 40 years ago, I was at a camp in the mountains. Alone in a room, I prayed, “God, if …

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