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The Antidote to An Overworked Pastor: Delegation

I learned the hard way what happens when a pastor tries to do it all. When I first started Saddleback, …

7 Ways to Prevent Staff Burnout

One of my life verses is Proverbs 14:30, “A relaxed attitude lengthens a man’s life” (TLB). I always think about …

God’s Remedy for Emotional Exhaustion

“Elijah was afraid and ran for his life . . . The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the …

Why Margin Matters for Your Ministry

If you’re like most pastors, you are tired. Exhausted may be more like it. One survey said that 84 percent …

7 Ways to Persist in Ministry

There will be times in ministry when you’ll want to quit, especially when your efforts get criticized and you become …

Nine Reasons for Your Burnout

Most of us have run out of gas at some point. It’s painful. When my kids were young, we went …

Four Ways to Keep Your Emotional Tank Filled

Due to the unique circumstances of the past two years, many pastors have faced or are facing burnout. If that’s …

7 Ways to Lead a Team That Goes the Distance

The work done by your team—your staff and volunteers—has eternal consequences. But your team members cannot serve effectively if they’re …

What to Do When You Want to Give Up

I hear from pastors all the time who are ready to give up. They’re tired. They’re frustrated. They feel like …

How to Bounce Back When You’re Feeling Down

Being a pastor isn’t easy. It’s hard work. It’s emotionally taxing. We’re just as subject to the pressure to hustle …

How to Last in Ministry

Ministry is a marathon: it’s not how you start in ministry; it’s how you finish. If you look at 2 …

How to Keep Going in Ministry When You Reach Your Breaking Point

Stress is just a part of ministry. If you don’t have stress in your ministry, you’re probably not being very …

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