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church growth

Bring the word of God to the next generation with these resources!

Be Ready to Ride the Waves God Brings

Surfing is a big deal in Southern California. Many of the movies and television shows that have popularized the sport …

5 Reasons People Come Back to Your Church

The best way your church will break through growth barriers is to do so quickly. I hear from pastors all …

Growing Stronger Through Worship

There’s a word in the Bible for focusing on God: worship. Some people think worship is a ritual—that it’s all …

10 Reasons Churches Plateau

Every church goes through plateaus—times when your church simply doesn’t grow. It’s natural and normal, and they’re part of our …

How to Prepare for a Spiritual Growth Campaign

One of the most powerful tools God has used to grow Saddleback Church in profound ways over the last several …

Church Growth Is Okay, but Church Health Is What Matters

The New Testament says a lot about the health of the church. Consider just a few verses: “As each part …

How to Experience a Breakthrough in Your Church’s Growth

The world needs the influence of the church more than ever before. And, at least in Western culture, the church …

What to Do When Your Church Hits a Plateau

I hear it frequently: “My church has hit a plateau. What can I do to get it moving again?” While …

How to Increase Baptisms at Your Church

At Saddleback Church, we’ve always given a lot of attention to baptism, and I think that’s one of the reasons …

8 Essential Characteristics Your Church Needs

If you want your church to have the impact of the early church, the New Testament shows us eight essential …

40 Ways to Increase Baptisms in the Next Year

Baptism is the outward sign of an inward change in a person who has placed their trust in Jesus. We …

Forget Church Growth, Aim for Church Health

When I wrote The Purpose Driven Church, I predicted that church health – not church growth – would be the …

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