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Discover how to become a purpose driven church with these resources

Why Speaking the Language of Your Community Matters

What your church says matters. So does how you say it. The church’s number one job is to share the …

4 Habits that Help People Become Like Jesus

There’s no such thing as instant spiritual growth; it’s a gradual process of development. The Bible says, “So let us …

5 Simple Ways to Get the Most Out of Small Groups

I believe that every church should continue to grow warmer through fellowship. We live in an extremely isolated world today. …

Develop These 7 Skills When You Want People to Listen

  Most church conflict results from poor communication. Even your best ideas, plans, or suggestions are worthless if you can’t …

Lead Better by Improving the Way You Communicate

You can't lead a church, evangelize a community, or do business without communicating. And the better you become as a communicator, the better you become as a leader, and the better the team you lead becomes as a result. That means to get ahead you've got to continually work on your communication skills. Probably 75% of the problems we face, at home, at work, and at church are related to poor communication with family members, church members, your clients, or your coworkers. Poor communication is also the most frequently mentioned problem in marriage counseling. Here are three things you must give up in order to grow as a communicator.

What Church Leaders Should Know About Effective Communication

Communication can make or break an organization. Effective communication can help organizations solve problems and accomplish their goals. Poor communication …

7 Ways to Help Others Understand the Vision

A lot of people have great vision. But you’ll never see your vision become a reality unless you communicate it …

Mistake at Netflix: 3 Things We Can Learn

It is rare in the corporate world when you hear a sincere apology, but Reed Hastings, Co-Founder and CEO of …

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