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Discipleship Is All About Growing Up to Be Like Christ

God wants you to grow up. “God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in …

Two Statistics Every Church Planter Needs to Know

You can’t plant a church without partners and you can’t grow a healthy church without evangelism. But those will look …

Eight Laws for Spiritual Growth

The discipleship process at Saddleback Church is based on the belief that if we focus on building people, God will …

4 Ways to Involve Everyone in Evangelism

Many people have slipped into the mindset that evangelism is a gift that some believers have and others do not. …

Healthy Discipleship Requires Raising Up Disciplers

Disciples Need Leaders I wonder how many church leaders don’t even realize the success of ongoing discipleship depends partly on …

Don’t Miss These Three Markers for Discipleship

What Are We Missing in Discipleship? Lately there’s been a lot of talk about spiritual formation and discipleship, and rightfully …

Scriptural Discipleship Principle #1: Maturity Is The Goal

A Discipleship Deficit Lately there’s been a lot of talk about spiritual formation and discipleship, and rightfully so. I think …

Moving toward Church Multiplication Movements: 4 Steps for Developing Multiplication Leaders

  Mission leaders like to talk about Church Planting Movements (CPMs), but I believe it’s unlikely we will ever see …

Why You MUST Develop More Leaders

If you want your church to grow, and if you want the Kingdom to grow, you’re going to need to …

3 Ways to Continually Affirm the People You Lead

We affirm people when we treat them with dignity, knowing that they matter to God. If you want to stand …

Spiritual Growth: Teach Submit Rather Than Commit to Christ

If you want to start a heated debate among a group of Christians, just bring up Paul’s admonition that wives …

Book Interview: Jon Walker on Costly Grace

In 1937, on the threshold of Nazi Germany’s war on the world, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote what turned out to be …

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