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You Are Not a Burden

By Jeni Baker, Global Co-Executive Director of CR As a recovering Co-Dependent and an Adult Child of Family Dysfunction, a …

How God Restores Your Soul

Because we live on a broken planet, no one is immune from painful emotions. We all get hurt. As pastors, …

Faith Lessons From Over 60 Years of Friendship With Jesus (Part 3)

For the past few weeks, I’ve been writing a series of articles looking back at my 60 years of walking …

The Power of Self-Control

“A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls.” Proverbs 25:28 (NLT) Where do you lack self-control in …

Helping People Through Grief

Pastor, the reality is that some of the people you lead will never deal directly with their grief. They’ll stuff …

Your Are Not a Burden

By Jeni Baker, Global Co-Executive Director of CR As a recovering Co-Dependent and an Adult Child of Family Dysfunction, a …

10 Commandments of Emotional Health During Stressful Times (Part 2)

Pastoral ministry is full of stress. The past year has been particularly stressful for many church leaders as the world …

10 Commandments of Emotional Health During Stressful Times (Part 1)

Some seasons are more stressful than others—especially seasons of great change. This past year has been such a season for …

When Fear Gets in the Way of Your Relationships

Relationships are at the heart of every effective ministry. Whether they are with your spouse, your family, your staff, your …

How to Deal with What You Feel

“To be controlled by human nature results in death; to be controlled by the Spirit results in life and peace …

Four Big Mistakes that Lead to Ministry Burnout

One of the issues that we sometimes address here at is the issue of ministry burnout. And when we …

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