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Discover how to become a purpose driven church with these resources

7 Reasons People Leave Your Church

One way Satan will try to discourage your ministry is by convincing you that if people are leaving your church, …

How Small Groups Can PARTNER for the Gospel

Your church’s small groups have incredible potential to be evangelistic hubs in your community. Evangelism, like the other four purposes …

Are You Focused on the Immediate or the Eternal?

As a pastor, you deal with many immediate needs every day—from counseling issues to leadership concerns to preparing your regular …

Be Like Noah. Be Different. 

Leaders want to make a difference. They want to change the world around them, affect the culture, and influence people.  …

The Chemistry of Church Growth

Ever wondered what your high school chemistry class has to do with the struggles your church is experiencing in growth? …

The Eternally Focused Leader

God has called us to lead in a world that’s often preoccupied with immediate gratification and short-term goals. Every problem …

5 Principles for Building an Evangelistic Culture in Your Church

We all want God to use our churches to reach people for Christ. I don’t believe there is anything more …

Follow Up With New Visitors After Easter

Many people come through the front doors of our churches during Easter—and many people get saved. But, as you already …

5 Eternal Funds to Invest In

You’ve heard people say that you can’t take your money with you when you die. But that doesn’t mean you …

Preparing for Your First Sermon Series of the New Year

Once your Christmas services are completed, you’ll likely be ready for some time off before the new year begins. And …

Have You Thanked Your Congregation Lately?

For many people, this has been the most difficult year they can remember. Surveys show that worry and stress—even for …

Rethink Success (Part 1)

I talk to people all the time who are at the top of their fields—they are successful and have it …

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