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God’s Solution for Our Failures

“[God] canceled the debt, which listed all the rules we failed to follow. He took away that record with its …

Jesus’ Mercy for Our Failures

Pastor, failure in ministry is inevitable. Every leader will fail at some point. We’re tempted to think that Jesus is …

God Loves You Anyway

“[God] knows what we are made of; he remembers that we are dust.” Psalm 103:14 (GNT) Your failures don’t surprise …

Testimony: The Ripple Effect of Restorative Grace

By Theresa Proverbs 14:1 says, “A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her …

The Gift of Restorative Grace

By Sheila Knudson, Northeast Regional Director  Recently while reading Gordon MacDonald’s book, Rebuilding Your Broken World, I came across this …

Testimony: Seeing Myself Through the Eyes of Jesus

By Joe I’m a grateful believer in Jesus who struggles with mental health. My name is Joe. For most of …

God’s Grace Will Get You Through

“My purpose in writing is to encourage you and assure you that what you are experiencing is truly part of …

5 Reasons to Have Hope in 2021

In 1927, an American submarine collided with a Coast Guard vessel off the coast of Provincetown, Massachusetts, and began to …

Focus Your 2020 Vision

By Scott Kemp “No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: …

Discovering God’s Love and Grace

By Domingo Hi, I’m Domingo, and I’m a grateful believer in Jesus Christ who’s in recovery and struggles with being …

Replacing Lies with Truth

By Karen Hi, my name is Karen, and I am a grateful believer in Christ who struggles with fear and …

4 Reasons to Show Mercy to Others

God wants you to be an agent of mercy in the world. Everyone needs mercy because everyone has messed up. …

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