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Making The Hard Changes In Your Life

When you got involved in ministry, you weren’t given a pass that gets you out of difficulties. You know this. …

God’s Triple Power Surge

By Mary Owen, National Training Director “The Spirit God gave us does not make us afraid. His Spirit is a …

The Recovery Journey: How You and God Work Together

By Pastor Johnny Baker, Pastor and Global Executive Director “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” Mark …

Testimony: What Keeps Me Coming Back to CR

By Pastor Johnny Baker, Pastor and Global Executive Director Hi, my name is Johnny, and I’m a believer who struggles …

Developing a Habit of Personal Discipline

You don’t hear much about discipline these days. Most people only want to talk about what’s fun and what feels …

Godly Habits

“Practice these things. Devote your life to them so that everyone can see your progress.” 1 Timothy 4:15 (GW) God’s …

9 Steps to Breaking a Bad Habit

Bad habits and addictions wreck ministries. You see it all the time. The truth is, everyone has bad habits, and …

How to Conquer Self-Destructive Behaviors

Your biggest enemy probably isn’t who you think it is. It’s not Satan, and it’s not the world around you. …

7 Benefits of Praising God

As Christ-followers, we build many important spiritual habits into our lives—including prayer, Bible reading, gratitude, and so on. All of …

4 Habits that Help People Become Like Jesus

There’s no such thing as instant spiritual growth; it’s a gradual process of development. The Bible says, “So let us …

Healing For the Wounded Leader

Too many churches are led by wounded pastors and leaders who can’t really love people or be vulnerable or focus …

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