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Discover how to become a purpose driven church with these resources

The Miracles of Christmas Are for You

I know you’ve likely had a busy few weeks, full of Christmas services, programs, and ministry. By this point, you’re …

Use Your Pain to Help Others This Christmas

The Christmas season can be one of the most painful periods of the year for many people. Sure, it’s full …

4 Things to Do at Your Breaking Point

Stress is part of ministry. If you don’t have any stress in your ministry, you’re probably not being very effective. …

You Can’t Beat Temptation on Your Own

Pastor, none of us can overcome temptation alone. We need other people to come alongside us and help.  You may …

How God Develops Your Faith (Part 2)

Faith is an inseparable part of your ministry. You can’t please God without it  (Hebrews 11:6). But how do you …

Keep Going!

Have you ever felt like giving up on your ministry? It’s a rhetorical question. All of us have considered giving …

Trust God for the Impossible

Can you imagine what it would have been like to be Noah? I’m sure I’d have a million questions for …
man sitting at the end of a dock

Thriving in God’s Waiting Room

We spend a lot of time in waiting rooms.  Some of those waiting rooms are in hospitals where we await …

Sabrena’s Testimony

I’m a grateful believer in recovery for codependency and food and body image issues, and I struggle with the symptoms …

Discouraged? Remember These Three Truths

Good news for discouraged pastors Discouragement is universal. Everyone gets it from time to time, even those of us in …

You Matter to God

One of our deepest needs is to feel secure. We want to be valued—to know that our lives matter. Many …

How Jesus Gives Us Freedom

God wants us to be free. In fact, this is a major theme throughout Scripture.  Because Jesus died and rose …

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