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Discover what it takes to change lives with your preaching

Using Your Influence for Good

Everything you have is a gift from God. God has given you your family, your health, your ministry, and even …

Leading from the Middle

Dear leader, Kurt Johnston is Saddleback’s student pastor, and he has been on my youth ministry team since 1998. I …

To Grow a Healthy Church, Become a Healthier Leader

When you become a pastor, you become a leader. I’m often asked about the specifics of my administrative style, but …

6 Areas of Life Where Successful Leaders Practice Self-Discipline

High achievers usually have one obvious thing in common: personal discipline. Successful people are willing to do things that most …

3 Temptations of Success . . . and 3 Values for Standing Strong

Success can ruin a ministry. I’ve seen it happen too many times. It sounds strange. We plan for success, we …

How to Be a Good Steward of Your Influence

Everything you have is a gift from God – your health, your life, your salvation, your freedom, your friends, your …

6 Ways to Earn the Right to Lead People

You’ll never have to earn God’s favor. God loves you and is pleased with you completely because of grace and …

How to Use Your God-given Influence to Be a Kingdom Builder (Part 2)

In my previous article I argued that “Everyone has influence. We all influence someone.” And that God expects us to …

How to Use Your God-given Influence to Be a Kingdom Builder (Part 1)

Everyone has influence. We all influence someone. And God expects us to be good stewards of that influence for His …

How to Keep Your Integrity As a Leader

In my previous Ministry Toolbox, I wrote about the three greatest temptations of leadership. Now I want to talk about …

The 3 Privileges and 3 Temptations of Leadership

Do you think it’s easier handling success or failure? Thomas Caryle once said, “For every one hundred people who can …

Your Influence and Visibility Matter

“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a …

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