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6 Ways Leaders Need to Show Discipline

Great leaders have at least one common denominator: personal discipline.  Take the Apostle Paul as an example. He had tremendous …

The Five Marks of Spiritual Maturity

God wants all of us to grow. Maturity is one of his purposes for our lives. In fact, Hebrews 6:1 …

Faith Lessons From Over 60 Years of Friendship With Jesus (Part 3)

For the past few weeks, I’ve been writing a series of articles looking back at my 60 years of walking …

How God Uses Your Work to Help You Grow

Pastor, your work matters. God is using you to help people find him. He’s using you to meet the physical, …

One Step at a Time Leads to Maturity

“The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will …

Don’t Miss These Three Markers for Discipleship

What Are We Missing in Discipleship? Lately there’s been a lot of talk about spiritual formation and discipleship, and rightfully …

How to Increase the Health of Your Sunday School

Once your church has decided how to define a healthy follower of Christ (for Saddleback it is someone balancing the …

Fellowship Is a Verb

In early 2000, our leadership team began asking the question: What does a healthy follower of Christ look like? If …

Have an Elevator Pitch For Your Small Group Ministry

You know the drill. You are waiting for an elevator, any elevator. The door opens; you walk in, face the …

The Strategy of Connecting People

Before I share four current learnings we have had here at Saddleback Church in the last couple of years on …

Changing Diapers & Spiritual Health

Before you can build your small group strategy, you have to realize the importance of working on your own spiritual …

10 Lessons Churches Should Learn from the Apple Store

What follows below is a post from Guy Kawasaki who was for many years a “chief evangelist” for all things Apple and …

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