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Discover how to become a purpose driven church with these resources

Follow Up With New Visitors After Easter

Many people come through the front doors of our churches during Easter—and many people get saved. But, as you already …

9 Baby Steps that Lead to Big Commitments

When I think about the commitments I’ve made that led to spiritual growth, often a very small step took me …

How to Understand How Unbelievers Think

The longer you’re a believer, the less you think like an unbeliever. After you come to Christ, your interests and …

40 Ways to Increase Baptisms in the Next Year

Baptism is the outward sign of an inward change in a person who has placed their trust in Jesus. We …

Strategic Evangelism: 3 Effective Outreach Opportunities

Evangelism is the responsibility of every believer. There is no such thing as the “gift of evangelism,” rather, all Christians have the …

Seize the Easter Moment and Reach People NOW

As we get ready for Easter Sunday, we all know (and research backs up) that this is a time when …

5 Tips for Writing to Your Easter Visitors

For many people in your community, Easter is the only day of the year they’ll show up at church. It’s …

4 Options When Your Church Doesn’t Match the Community

What do you do when your church no longer looks like the community that surrounds it? Focus on what your …

Let Your Church Be All About the One Stray Sheep This Christmas

As you know, people will show up at your church for Christmas that won’t show up any other time during …

Reaching the Unchurched Requires Relationships

“When Jesus heard this, he said, ‘Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do.’ Then he added, ‘Now go and …

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