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Pastor Rick Warren

Learn to lead like Christ in your ministry with these resources

Why Celebrate Recovery Works

I’ve never kept this much of a secret: Celebrate Recovery® is my favorite ministry at Saddleback. We have lots of …

4 Areas of Self-Examination Crucial to Avoiding a Relapse

If you only measured people’s spiritual health by their social media accounts, you’d think growth was always easy and seamless. …

Helping People Change Their Autopilot

We’re all tempted by something. It’s proof of being alive. If you’re not tempted, you’re not breathing. So the question …

Growing Stronger Through Worship

There’s a word in the Bible for focusing on God: worship. Some people think worship is a ritual—that it’s all …

7 Ways to Welcome Guests to Your Celebrate Recovery Ministry

I’ve said this over and over again at Saddleback. Out of the 200 ministries we have at our church, Celebrate …

3 Ways to Keep Your Listener’s Attention as You Preach

Preaching is tougher than ever these days. For one thing, we can’t assume that people come to our churches with …

4 Steps to Achieving Your 2019 Goals

You’ll never find the ideal time to take the next step toward your goals. So do it now. Those three …

How God Gives You His Vision for Your Church

You hear ministry leaders talk all the time about what a church needs to grow. Some say it’s preaching. Some …

9 Ways to Spot a Great Book for Your Ministry Library

Churches don’t grow without growing leaders. If we don’t take in truth, we can’t give it out. Over the years …

4 Ways God’s Light Shines on Your Dark Places at Christmas

Lights are everywhere this time of year. In Southern California where I live, you’ll see the first lights go up …

5 Ideas for Your New Year’s Sermon

After almost 40 years at Saddleback, I know how tough it can be to come up with a holiday sermon. …

5 Tools to Help People Grow Spiritually

All living things grow. It’s evidence of life. If a child doesn’t grow to physical maturity, that’s a tragedy. And …

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    Pastor Rick Warren smiling