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Four Ways to Restore Your Strength During Tough Times

We all have moments when we feel like the demands of ministry are too much. We’re ready to quit. Over …

Navigating the Winds of Life

Wind is one of the most powerful forces of nature. Kay and I live in a canyon and experience canyon …

7 Secrets to Overcoming Discouragement

No matter what’s discouraging you today, know this: You’re not alone. The greatest missionary in the history of the church …

6 Actions Every Christian Should Take in Light of Jesus’ Return

The last year has been tough—no doubt about it. Many people have asked me how I’ve stayed so positive during …

Developing a Hopeful Faith During Trials

Do you know how many times I’ve wanted to resign as the pastor of Saddleback Church? Just about every Monday …

5 Reasons to Have Hope in 2021

In 1927, an American submarine collided with a Coast Guard vessel off the coast of Provincetown, Massachusetts, and began to …

How to Get Back Your Vision for Ministry

Last year, many churches began 2020 with sermons on vision. The opportunity to preach on “Vision 2020” was too much …

What the Christmas Story Teaches Us About God’s Timing (Part 2)

Timing is one of the most important parts of leadership. In fact, the difference between a great leader and a …

How God Uses Spiritual Dryness to Help You Grow

August is often the driest month of the year here in Southern California. Not only is it physically dry, but …

4 Characteristics of Great Leaders

If you’re a pastor or church leader, God has given you a task much bigger than you can handle on …

The Best Is Yet to Come in Your Ministry

You likely came into 2020 with big plans. You had dreams of doing great ministry that had nothing to do …

The Type of Leader God Uses, Part 2

(This article is part 2 of a 2 part series, you can find part 1 HERE.) God uses people of …

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