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Immerse others in God's word with these small group studies
Long highway road

Getting Clarity about 2024

Has God given you what feels like an impossible assignment? Maybe he is leading your church to reach a new …

How to Build an Effective Ministry

For some time now, many churches have been in a crisis of effectiveness. I know many church leaders who work …

Four Ways to Surrender to Jesus

Your ministry is both a privilege and a challenge. You have the opportunity to walk with people through the most …

Facing Our Fears in Faith (Part 2)

Risk and ministry go hand in hand. You can’t have a faithful ministry if you’re not willing to follow Jesus …

Four Keys for Success in Your Work

No matter what you do vocationally, whether you’re a full-time pastor, bi-vocational pastor, or a lay leader working another job, …

Why Planning Your Preaching Matters

You can easily tell the difference between a well-prepared meal and one that was just thrown together at the last …

Why You Need Goals in 2022

Most of the people in our congregations are stepping into 2022 hoping it will be better than 2021. Many have …

Setting Goals You’ll Reach (Part 2)

People only accomplish the goals they plan to accomplish. You probably have big plans to engage your community with the …

How Ministry Leaders Plan (Part Two)

Every project you plan has a price tag on it. Before leading your team to start a new project, you …

How Ministry Leaders Plan (Part One)

Few things in life happen spontaneously. You need a plan—a plan for building relationships, for witnessing to others, for reading …

4 Steps to Achieving Your 2019 Goals

You’ll never find the ideal time to take the next step toward your goals. So do it now. Those three …

3 Ways to Replace Busyness with Purpose in Your Ministry

More than 70 percent of pastors say they work between 55 to 75 hours every single week. Those numbers may …

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