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Discover how to become a purpose driven church with these resources

Building a Culture of Prayer

If God has given you a vision for what he wants to do through your church, prayer has to be …

God Blesses a Praying Church

  For your church to remain vibrant and fruitful, you need the blessing of God. When God blesses a church, …
Sunset Sky with Tree

Four Important Steps Before a Church Reset

A few years ago, my computer froze about an hour before I was going to preach. I lost all my …

The Eternally Focused Leader

God has called us to lead in a world that’s often preoccupied with immediate gratification and short-term goals. Every problem …

How to Build an Effective Ministry

For some time now, many churches have been in a crisis of effectiveness. I know many church leaders who work …

Four Conditions for God’s Healing and Restoration

Pastor, I don’t know what you’re dealing with right now, but I suspect you may need some sort of healing. …

Facing Our Fears in Faith (Part 2)

Risk and ministry go hand in hand. You can’t have a faithful ministry if you’re not willing to follow Jesus …

Four Keys for Success in Your Work

No matter what you do vocationally, whether you’re a full-time pastor, bi-vocational pastor, or a lay leader working another job, …

Do My Prayers Really Matter?

By Mary Owen, National Training Coach When 2020 arrived, we got in an unhealthy rhythm of staying in hypervigilant mode, …

God Is Working While You’re Waiting

“In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” …

How to Handle Loneliness in Ministry

It doesn’t matter how many people you have around you, you can still feel lonely. Pastors know this well. They’re …

Trust God for the Help You Need

“Then the man said, ‘Let me go, for the dawn is breaking!’ But Jacob said, ‘I will not let you …

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