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Christ-Centered Recovery Saved My Life

By Roger Nix Hi, my name is Roger Nix, and I’m a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. I’m celebrating recovery …

4 Benefits That Come from Your Weaknesses

I’ve been a Christian for many years. I’ve been around thousands and thousands of believers and I would say most …

How to Recover from the Emotional Exhaustion of Ministry

When tragedies occur in communities or nations, pastors can wind up working tirelessly to comfort congregations looking for help, both …

From Drug Addiction to Life in Ministry: Doug’s Celebrate Recovery Story

My name is Doug, and I’m a faithful believer in Jesus who’s in recovery for substance abuse. I grew up …

Love in Action

I’m not saying this is the right frame of mind, nor is it always the case, but sometimes in ministry …

From Recovery to Adopting: Sylvia’s Celebration Place Story

Hi, my name is Sylvia, and I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ who struggles with co-dependency and food …

The Journey from Darkness to Light – A Celebrate Recovery Story

Dave Gonzales was living a life most people dream about. But when divorce sent him into a depression, Dave turned …

Loneliness and Addiction: A Celebrate Recovery Story

I am a grateful follower of Jesus Christ, and I struggle with alcohol and addiction. My name is Ken. The …

James Daman: Celebrating Recovery from Sexual Sin

My name is James and I’m a grateful believer in Jesus Christ who struggles with shame and I celebrate recovery from …

The Beatitudes of Jesus and Life’s 8 Healing Choices

We all have hurts, habits, and hang-ups. What’s yours? Stress? Fears? Overwork? Unhealthy or unholy attractions? Addictions? Regrets? Worry? Bad …

Our Churches Should Be No-Shame Zones

And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ. Ephesians 4:32 …

Help the Hurting in Your Church with Celebrate Recovery

If we were to look around at today’s society, we would see a world that is hurting. We see people …

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