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Rick Warren

3 Ways to Replace Busyness with Purpose in Your Ministry

More than 70 percent of pastors say they work between 55 to 75 hours every single week. Those numbers may …

Why Every Pastor Must Empower and Release Leaders

I know my leadership style. I’m a big-picture, vision-casting leader. The details, frankly, don’t hold much appeal to me. By …

Six Reasons Newcomers Should Get Plugged In

The difference between being a church attender and a church member is commitment. Attenders are spectators from the sidelines; members …

How to Prepare for a Spiritual Growth Campaign

One of the most powerful tools God has used to grow Saddleback Church in profound ways over the last several …

Four Practical Reasons for Small Groups

We may attract attenders through preaching, but disciples are made in small groups. When you’re leading a campaign, like 40 …

One Way to Increase the Commitment Level of Your Members

Why do churches have so many members who give little or no evidence of Christian commitment or even conversion? Why …

How to Wait Expectantly for God to Answer Prayer

“I will . . . station myself . . .” (Habakkuk 2:1 NIV). If you want to get God’s vision …

9 Baby Steps that Lead to Big Commitments

When I think about the commitments I’ve made that led to spiritual growth, often a very small step took me …

5 Steps for Handling Life’s Frustrations

Many of our biggest mistakes in life can be traced to handling disappointment in unwise ways. In times when we’re …

Organize Your Church on Purpose, Around Giftedness

Structure doesn’t cause growth; the structure of your church determines how fast you’ll grow and the size to which you’ll …

6 Vows Great Leaders Are Willing to Make and Keep

Leaders are always defined by self-imposed standards. I’m not talking about standards set by other people, but standards they set …

Ask People, “What Can We Do For You?”

If you study the ministry of Jesus, you’ll notice one of the first questions Jesus asked whenever he met someone …

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    Pastor Rick Warren smiling