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Discover how to become a purpose driven church with these resources

5 Ideas for Your New Year’s Sermon

After almost 40 years at Saddleback, I know how tough it can be to come up with a holiday sermon. …

10 Reasons Every Christian Should Share the Message of Jesus

Every person in your church has a message to share with the world. The middle-aged business owner has one. The …

5 Leadership Attributes for Every Leader to Work On

Summer is a great time to reflect on your leadership. You are between the “start of the year” season of …

Life Transitions Offer the Chance to Connect People

One great way to connect your church into small groups is to focus on life transitions. More than at any …

9 Baby Steps that Lead to Big Commitments

When I think about the commitments I’ve made that led to spiritual growth, often a very small step took me …

Pray for the All-Africa Pastors Gathering and Leadership Congress

The last of the pastors have arrived, from around the world this morning, for the next All-Africa Pastors’ Gathering here …

6 Vows Great Leaders Are Willing to Make and Keep

Leaders are always defined by self-imposed standards. I’m not talking about standards set by other people, but standards they set …

5 Positive Reasons Why Staff Leave

How do you explain that staff often leave for positive reasons? Staff, just like members of your congregation, come and …

9 Ways to Stay Motivated for Ministry (Part 1)

Motivation is contagious. I never try to motivate other people. I focus on motivating myself. When I’m motivated, I know …

The Jesus Model of Ministry: Education

All leaders are learners. A continuous commitment to lifelong learning should be the hallmark of every minister. Education: We must …

Being Real With Your Congregation

Steve’s latest book is Small Groups with Purpose: How to Create Healthy Communities. We are all messy human beings. Every …

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