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Discouraged? Remember These Three Truths

Good news for discouraged pastors Discouragement is universal. Everyone gets it from time to time, even those of us in …

Five Things Jesus Is Accomplishing Today

During my time at Saddleback, I preached 43 Easter messages. I never repeated one. I never needed to because there’s …

Six Reasons to Develop the Habit of Generosity

Starting around Thanksgiving and through Christmas morning, we talk a lot about gifts this time of year. Many people think …

Three Habits of Gratitude God Wants Us to Develop

As Christians, we should be the most grateful people on the planet. We know that God has given us life …

Faith Lessons From Over 60 Years of Friendship With Jesus (Part 1)

Over the next few weeks, I will share the lessons I have learned in different areas of faith and ministry …

Facing Your Struggles

By Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director I am a big sports fan. Of course, my desire is for my team …

God Wants to Give You Life to the Fullest

By Jeff Stultz, National Director Broken Chains John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come …

Testimony: Jesus Christ, My Life Preserver

By Eugene I was an emotional and insecure child. I just never felt good enough. One of my earliest memories …

Salvation Is a Free Gift

By Dickie Everman, SE Regional Director “Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but …

Share This Leading Up to Easter: Can You Believe God?

William Rainey once said, “Why didn’t somebody ever tell me that I could become a Christian and work on all …

Make Easter Big, But Don’t Put All Your Eggs in the Easter Basket

Easter is one of the biggest weekends for most churches in terms of attendance. I see this as a great …

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