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sermon prep

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How to Help Your Members Remember God’s Word

Spiritual growth isn’t automatic. Your congregation must be intentional about growing spiritually. They won’t grow by accident. The same is …

One Thing That Will Improve Your Preaching

Your love for preaching isn’t important. What’s important is whether you love the people to whom you’re preaching. In fact, …

Why Planning Your Preaching Matters

You can easily tell the difference between a well-prepared meal and one that was just thrown together at the last …

Preparing for Your First Sermon Series of the New Year

Once your Christmas services are completed, you’ll likely be ready for some time off before the new year begins. And …

How to Hold Their Attention When You Preach

Interesting sermons capture the interest of your listeners. That’s why I think it’s wrong to bore people with the Bible. …

Do You Know the Needs of Your Congregation?

When I plan my preaching calendar, I start by analyzing my audience. I start where Jesus started—the needs of people.  …

Building a Message That Changes Lives

Pastors are often taught in seminary to develop a content outline for their sermons. This type of outline is designed …

Three Keys to Tying Together Your Sermons

Good sermons aren’t scattered. They are consistent and whole.  A great sermon is like a good flight. It includes a …

How to Trim Your Sermon for Maximum Effectiveness

Giving your message a good trim can turn a good sermon into a great one. In a great sermon, every …

11 Ways to Help Your Congregation Apply God’s Word

Many pastors would say the purpose of preaching is “to interpret the text” or “to help people understand God’s Word.” …

Tips to Improve Your Sermon Preparation

One of the ways I prepare for sermons is by constantly collecting content—things like news stories or statistics that might …

4 Big Questions to Ask Before Easter Sunday Arrives

For three and a half decades, Easter Sunday has been one of the biggest evangelistic opportunities of the year for …

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