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The Fallacy of One-Size-Fits-All Discipleship

You can mass produce many things—cars, furniture, plastic bottles, etc.—but you can’t mass produce disciples. One-size-fits-all simply doesn’t work when …

Why Every Pastor Must Empower and Release Leaders

I know my leadership style. I’m a big-picture, vision-casting leader. The details, frankly, don’t hold much appeal to me. By …

How to Get More Members Involved in Ministry

The designation “active member,” in most churches, simply means those who attend regularly and financially support the church. Not much …

God Shaped You to Serve Him

God formed every creature on this planet with a special area of expertise. Some animals run, some hop, some swim, …

Meeting People’s Four Deepest Needs

Jesus told us that he came so that we would have “life to the fullest” (John 10:10). If that was …

Never Forget How God SHAPED You for Ministry

If you’ve ever doubted your calling to ministry, consider this: God has been molding and shaping you for ministry since …

How to Release Creative People for Effective Ministry

It’s impossible to have a healthy church that experiences multi-dimensional growth without trusting people enough to delegate leadership to them. …

Four Pillars of a Strong Lay Ministry

I was talking with some people after a weekend service once, and I mentioned that we really needed someone to …

Like Jesus, Challenge Those You Lead

Jesus consistently challenges his followers. And, because we’re each unique, Jesus knows each of us needs a different type of …

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