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small groups

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How Small Groups Can PARTNER for the Gospel

Your church’s small groups have incredible potential to be evangelistic hubs in your community. Evangelism, like the other four purposes …

Five Small Group Values That Encourage Spiritual Growth

Pastor, do you want your congregation to grow? I’m not talking about numerical growth. Do you want your members to …

Why Are Small Groups So Important?

Every one of us needs a support system. A brain surgeon wouldn’t operate without first hooking their patient up to …

Ask These 9 Questions Before Starting Online Small Groups

The most frequently asked question I get from pastors is always about online small groups, and it’s a question that …

What the Bible Teaches About Small Groups

Do you know where you can see the greatest model of unlimited, spontaneous expansion of a local congregation? Just read …

Build Health into Your CR Small Groups

One of the reasons Celebrate Recovery® exists is to help people develop deep, meaningful relationships. If we could change our …

5 Simple Ways to Get the Most Out of Small Groups

I believe that every church should continue to grow warmer through fellowship. We live in an extremely isolated world today. …

5 Tools to Help People Grow Spiritually

All living things grow. It’s evidence of life. If a child doesn’t grow to physical maturity, that’s a tragedy. And …

4 Ways to Involve Your Small Groups in the Great Commission

If you want your church to balance God’s purposes and grow in a healthy way, your small groups must lead …

How to Prepare for a Spiritual Growth Campaign

One of the most powerful tools God has used to grow Saddleback Church in profound ways over the last several …

5 Keys to Building a Solid Foundation for Your Small Group Ministry 

I have this displayed on my office whiteboard: “Vision without implementation equals hallucination.” I believe in vision. If you don’t …

Four Practical Reasons for Small Groups

We may attract attenders through preaching, but disciples are made in small groups. When you’re leading a campaign, like 40 …

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