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Immerse others in God's word with these small group studies
Man with arms outstretched near a cliff

Learn From Failure

Every pastor makes mistakes; every pastor has defeats. Mistakes are a part of life. Sadly, so is sin. Not even …

Developing a Habit of Personal Discipline

You don’t hear much about discipline these days. Most people only want to talk about what’s fun and what feels …

How God Spells Success

God wants you to succeed. He didn’t call you into church leadership to fail in what he created you to …

8 Steps of Making Wise Decisions

2023 will be full of decisions, and those decisions will largely define your success. But with every decision, there is …

Testimony: Setting My Priorities Right

By Mary Jane I’m a grateful believer in Jesus who struggles with life hurts and low self-confidence. My name is …

Four Keys for Success in Your Work

No matter what you do vocationally, whether you’re a full-time pastor, bi-vocational pastor, or a lay leader working another job, …

How to Lead Like Moses

We need more Christian leaders in the world today. Everything—including our churches and our communities—rises and falls on leadership. Without …

Testimony: An Overflowing Cup of Grace

By Blake I wanted to be professional baseball player or a fireman when I was growing up. How was it …

God Is on Your Side

“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” Philippians 2:13 …

Setting Goals You’ll Reach (Part 1)

Research tells us that more people struggle with setting goals than they do accomplishing them. Sitting down and actually thinking …

How to Deal With Disappointment in Ministry

Have you ever noticed how forgetful people can be? They quickly forget all the ways others have helped them in …

Rethink Success (Part 2)

When I first arrived in the Saddleback Valley 40 years ago, I met many people who seemed to have it …

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