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Building a Dream Team to Support you in Ministry

Pastor, you can’t do what God has called you to do on your own. You were never meant to. In …

How Small Groups Can PARTNER for the Gospel

Your church’s small groups have incredible potential to be evangelistic hubs in your community. Evangelism, like the other four purposes …

Six Principles for Getting People to Work Together

You can’t succeed in ministry without getting people to work together. It’s a crucial leadership skill.  Chapter 3 of Nehemiah …

7 Ways to Lead a Team That Goes the Distance

The work done by your team—your staff and volunteers—has eternal consequences. But your team members cannot serve effectively if they’re …

What Makes a Great Team (Part 2)

Your volunteer teams are some of the most important elements of your church’s ministry, whether they minister to your children, …

What Makes a Great Team (Part 1)

Every church needs a strong volunteer team. You can’t afford to hire enough staff to do all God wants you …

7 Key Principles for Every Project

As a pastor, you need to be able to put together projects efficiently and effectively. Whether you are starting a …

Strong Churches Work Like a Healthy Team

  I first began to understand the importance of teams as a seminary student when I did a study of …

How to Develop a Great Ministry Team

I first began to understand the importance of teams as a seminary student. I did a study of the 100 …

8 Values of TEAMWORK That Keep a Church Healthy

The success of your ministry depends largely on developing a strong team with a deep sense of team spirit. I’ve …

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