Celebrate Recovery
Always Beside You
This is my command — be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9 (NLT)
That verse is not just reserved for the field of battle. We can apply this to the battlefield of our everyday life. As a veteran this verse means a lot to me. It is important for us to remain strong and courageous. Returning home from serving, whether in peace or in wartime, can be difficult for veterans.
How comforting it is to know that wherever we go, God is there with us. Sometimes as veterans we find ourselves in situations and we wonder if God is paying attention. We may feel so alone and even depressed. We can’t feel God’s presence. We need his guidance and help.
Sometimes friends, spouses, and parents don’t really understand what we are going through. But God does and he cares. God told Joshua to be strong and to have courage. Then he told him a wonderful truth: The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Yes, that’s right . . . wherever! We don’t have to feel alone. God is with us. He is working out the problems, and we don’t even realize it.
Thanks to Celebrate Recovery, veterans have Welcome Home Groups where we can connect with other veterans and work on our hurts, hang-ups, and habits in a safe place. Join us at a Celebrate Recovery near you by searching for a group at CelebrateRecovery.com
Bill Natalzia
NE Regional Director
Celebrate Recovery