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Use Your Pain to Help Others This Christmas

The Christmas season can be one of the most painful periods of the year for many people. Sure, it’s full …
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Use Your Pain to Help Others This Christmas

The Christmas season can be one of the most painful periods of the year for many people. Sure, it’s full …

Why Jesus Says Not to Worry

Pastor, you need a shepherd.  Yes, God has called you to shepherd others. The very term of pastor literally means …

Healthy Church Conference Goes to Côte D’Ivoire

For the past eight years, Purpose Driven has partnered with the West African country of Côte D’Ivoire to help train …

Three Attitudes of a Lifetime Learner

Remember the day you graduated from college or seminary? If you’re like most people, you probably thought, “I have completed …

The Antidote to An Overworked Pastor: Delegation

I learned the hard way what happens when a pastor tries to do it all. When I first started Saddleback, …

Keep Going!

Have you ever felt like giving up on your ministry? It’s a rhetorical question. All of us have considered giving …

The Three Characteristics Every Church Planter Needs

When Kay and I headed to Southern California in the last days of 1979 to start Saddleback Church, we had …

Sabrena’s Testimony

I’m a grateful believer in recovery for codependency and food and body image issues, and I struggle with the symptoms …

Healthy Roots

Jeremiah 17:7-8 ESV “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. He is like …

Dig, Dig, Dig or Wash, Rinse, and Repeat

Last week I was talking with one of my family. They were struggling with an issue. They had made a …

Ken’s Step Testimony

I am a believer and follower of Jesus in recovery from alcoholism and addiction, and my name is Ken. I …

Testimony: Breaking Free from Unhealthy Cycles

By Rodney and Carol Holmstrom Coming into marriage, we brought in our individual hurts from the past. We both had …

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