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Celebrate Recovery

God Puts People in Your Life for Your Healing

Church Teaching

You need supportive relationships if you’re going to make it in life, and God has put people in your life for your health and your healing.

God put Adam in the Garden of Eden, and while it was a perfect environment, God also acknowledged that it wasn’t good for Adam to be alone. God had designed him for relationship, just as he has designed all of us for relationship.

The Bible says in 1 Peter 1:3 that God “has given us the privilege of being born again so that we are now members of God’s own family” (TLB).

When you were born physically, you joined the human family, the human race. When you’re born spiritually, you join God’s family.

The church is not an institution, a religious club, a society, an organization, or a business. The Bible describes the church as a family. That’s how we are to relate to each other.

The Christian life is not just a matter of believing; it includes belonging. And belonging to a church family is essential to our recovery and our healing.

You can measure your spiritual commitment by how much you love the church. The Bible says Christ loved it and died for it. It’s the support and foundation we all need.

People who don’t appreciate the church don’t understand its importance. They miss the point. They think they can be a Christian without a family. You need the support of a local expression of the family of God.

You belong in God’s family. There’s a difference between attending a church service and belonging to a church family. God doesn’t want church to be something you go to. He wants church to be a family you’re part of.

If you don’t already belong to a church family, take the initiative to find one, to plug in, to ask questions, to attend the information or membership class, to join a small group, and to volunteer and serve others.

Don’t wait for the perfect opportunity or the perfect church. Join the best church you can find that honors Jesus, teaches the Bible, and welcomes broken people, and then join it and work to make it even better!

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