How to Find and Pursue God’s Vision for Your Church

God has a vision for your church—and nothing is more important than getting that vision. It’s the reason God put your church where he did.
Great churches are led by ordinary people who are committed to pursuing a God-given vision. So how do you find and pursue God’s vision for your church? Start with these four steps.
1. Dedicate your church to God.
God made your church for a purpose. Before God shows you that purpose, you need to commit your church to doing what God has created it to do. Romans 12:1-2 says, “Offer your bodies as living sacrifices, dedicated to God and pleasing to him. . . . Then you will always be able to determine what God really wants—what is good, pleasing, and perfect” (Romans 12:1-2 GW). Commit your ministry to God, and you can’t miss his will for your church.
This kind of dedication requires a choice. Your church can’t chase prestige, money, and comfort and also pursue God’s purposes. You have to choose between following the ways of the world and following the mission of God. You can’t have both. That choice is your first step as you pursue God’s vision for your church.
2. Reserve time alone with God so you can hear him.
In today’s fast-paced world, churches can easily become too busy to hear from God. If your church is always occupied with programs and activities, there won’t be time to listen to God.
We need to do as the Bible says in Job 37:14, “Pause a moment . . . and listen; consider the wonderful things God does” (GNT).
God speaks to churches that listen to him. If your congregation isn’t regularly setting aside time to seek God’s direction, don’t expect to know God’s vision for your church.
Make it a habit for your church leadership to pause, pray, and ask God: What do you want our church to do? How can we align with your vision today and in the future?
3. Evaluate your church’s unique strengths.
Pastor, your church is one of a kind. You might think your church is ordinary, but you’re far from it. God has given you gifts, a culture, and experiences unlike any other.
That unique design is an important clue to what God has formed your church to do. Your uniqueness isn’t an accident. God wants to use your uniqueness in your community and around the world.
Spend time as a leadership team asking God and trusted leaders what your church’s unique strengths are. Then seek the Lord’s guidance on how those strengths can serve your community and beyond.
4. Make your vision public.
Share the vision with your congregation and your community. When you do this, you’re demonstrating faith. You’re putting your reputation on the line. In Hebrews, we learn, “Faith assures us of things we expect and convinces us of the existence of things we cannot see” (Hebrews 11:1 GW). Faith lets us see with spiritual eyes.
Three things will happen when you announce your vision publicly.
- It will get your church started. Once you’ve announced God’s vision for your church, you can’t procrastinate any longer.
- You’ll gather supporters. People will come alongside your church to help fulfill the vision.
- It releases God’s power. Your vision may seem impossible now, but God makes it possible.
Don’t settle for less than God’s best for your church. Dare to dream God’s dream for your congregation and plan everything around it.
Then watch God do the impossible.