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Celebrate Recovery

Nothing Surprises God

“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

Psalm 139:16 (NIV) 

God can see past, present, and future—all at once. 

This part of God’s character is something we can’t fully understand, for God is not like us. However, we can take great comfort in God because he knows everything that has ever happened and will happen. 

You trust a doctor with your health because that person has great knowledge. Greater still, you can confidently trust God because his knowledge is perfect. 

The future will surprise you because things don’t always work out as planned—but God is never caught off guard. He is never baffled or bewildered by anything that happens. He is above it all! 

The next time you face a crisis, you may find yourself asking, “What’s happening—where is God?” The truth is, God is constantly aware of everything. He’s with you now, and he knows what’s coming around the corner. When times are difficult, he is still with you. 

It is impossible for God to learn anything new because he already knows everything. God knows all of your “tomorrows,” which is why you can ask him for help. 

God knows everything that will ever happen to you, but he’s not going to reveal it to you all at once. Why not? Because you wouldn’t be able to handle it. You’d get discouraged by all the difficulties you are going to face, and you’d get prideful over all of the successes. God gives you just enough for you to handle, just enough to draw you closer to him. God knows what you need.

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