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Seize the Easter Moment and Reach People NOW

As we get ready for Easter Sunday, we all know (and research backs up) that this is a time when people are more open.

That’s one of the reasons that our whole staff is calling hundreds of people this week, why we are part of the Easter Eggstravagana in our community, and why we mailed out postcards to our community. We see it as an opportunity– an so should you. But, we see it as an opportunity for friends/neighbors and family most especially, which is why I will personally to go my neighbors and invite them to worship this Sunday.

You can reach out to people through a lot of different means, but what is most effective. Well, crazy enough, we decided to find out.

In partnership with the North American Mission Board, we actually asked 15,000 people how open they would be to different methods of outreach.

Let’s run through their answers… and be sure to look at the last three slides. In the slides, we look at “less open” to the approach on the left and “more open” on the right.

You can reach them via billboard and some indicate they are open that way:

Billboard effectiveness.png

An ad in the paper will help reach others:

Newspaper ad effectiveness.png

Some, though less, via door-to-door visit:

Door to door invitation.png

But the best response is a mobilized church– people are most open to their friends:
Friend invitation.png

And family:

Family invitation.png

This is a time when people are open– second only to Christmas– so seize the opportunity. Reach out to the people around you. The moment is now. Invite your friends to worship with you this Easter.

Open to considering.png


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