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What Jesus’ Words on the Cross Teach about Leadership

Any person’s last words carry significant weight—particularly when they come from Jesus as he died for us on the cross. 

These words of Jesus are famously called “the seven last words of Christ.” Each one of the phrases that Jesus says from the cross teaches something important to those of us in ministry. 

On the cross, Jesus modeled for us how to lead in a godly manner. If we pay attention and live out the seven leadership principles modeled in his last seven statements, they have the potential to radically change the way we lead and serve. 

1. “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34 NLT).

Leadership Lesson: Model forgiveness.

Jesus modeled forgiveness for us so we could extend that same grace to others. Even in his final moments, suffering unimaginable pain, Jesus forgave those who mocked, tortured, and criticized him. Instead of holding on to resentment, he interceded for his enemies. 

Pastor, you will get hurt in ministry. You’ll be treated unfairly. You’ll be criticized. Count on it. Your choice as a leader is the same as any follower of Jesus: You can either hang on to that hurt or forgive those who hurt you.

2. “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43 CSB).

Leadership Lesson: Always point people to hope.

One day, every person in your church will stand before God; it will be the most important moment of their lives. And you’ve been called to help them get ready for it. Your role isn’t just about teaching or leading; it’s about preparing people for their ultimate meeting with God.

When the thief on the cross was about to have this meeting with his Maker, Jesus didn’t offer a lecture or a list of religious duties. He offered assurance—immediate, certain, and full of grace. 

3. “Dear woman, here is your son. . . . Here is your mother” (John 19:26-27 NLT).

Leadership Lesson: Care for your people like Jesus.

Even in Jesus’ final moments before his death, he modeled care for others. Jesus saw his grieving mother’s pain and met her need, entrusting her care to John. Despite carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, he took the time to meet a personal need. In those moments, he showed us that ministry is never just about tasks. It’s about people.

Pastor, you’re far more than a preacher. You’re also a shepherd, called to care for the needs of your flock. Despite all the busyness of ministry, don’t neglect the personal care and equipping your congregants need. 

4. “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” (Matthew 27:46 NLT).

Leadership Lesson: Lead with honesty about sin and salvation.

Jesus’ cry from the cross was not just a statement of anguish—it was the moment when he bore the full weight of our sin. They are the most shocking words that he says from the cross. They are words of abandonment. 

Our salvation cost us nothing—but it wasn’t inexpensive. It temporarily broke the relationship between God the Father and God the Son. Jesus had never known a broken relationship with the Father. He took that on our behalf.  

Sin is ugly. We see that clearly at the cross. We don’t like the ugliness of sin. We want to make light of it. In fact, making light of sin is Satan’s job. He tries to make it look appealing—sometimes keeping us from immediately seeing sin’s consequences. Jesus on the cross reminds us how ugly sin is.

Help your people understand that the consequences of sin are steep. It destroys marriages. It cripples lives. It breaks our relationship with God. And it put Jesus on the cross. 

5. “I am thirsty” (John 19:28 NLT).

Leadership Lesson: Acknowledge your own needs.

Jesus says a lot of things on the cross that only God could say, but his words “I am thirsty” are his most human on the cross. After hours of unimaginable suffering, Jesus—who created every drop of water in the universe—asked for a drink. These were the words of someone who had entered our human pain. 

Jesus reminds us that our human needs are not unspiritual. Jesus didn’t hide his physical needs, and neither should we. Ministry can leave you physically, emotionally, and spiritually depleted. You pour yourself out for others, but if you never stop to replenish, you’ll burn out. That’s why your church needs leaders who understand how to take care of themselves—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Lean on Jesus’ example and admit when you have unmet needs. 

6. “It is finished!” (John 19:30 NLT).

Leadership Lesson: Stay focused on completing God’s mission.

Jesus’ last words from the cross are history’s greatest declaration of victory. In Greek, the word is tetelestai—meaning the task is complete, the debt is paid, the mission is accomplished. Jesus finished the task God gave him.

In ministry, your mission isn’t to start well. It’s to finish well. Jesus fulfilled every prophecy, satisfied every demand of the law, and paid every spiritual debt. Your role now is to proclaim Jesus’ finished work and complete the assignment God gave you. You can’t add to what Jesus did, but you can testify to it. 

7. “Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands!” (Luke 23:46 NLT).

Leadership Lesson: Trust God completely with the results.

Jesus completely trusted his future to God. He knew his Father’s hands were big enough to handle whatever he handed to him. The same is true for us and our ministries. 

Nothing that you’re going through is too big for him. You’ll have seasons when ministry will feel dark, your plans will fall apart, and people will fall away. You’ll be tempted to grab for control at those times. But those are the times you need to put your future into the hands of Jesus. He can handle whatever comes your way.

As you prepare for Easter this year, let Jesus’ last words prepare you for this important season of ministry.

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