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Celebrate Recovery

White Water Adventure

By Mary Owen, National Training Coach Celebrate Recovery

When Mac and I were first married, we loved to go camping. Part of the adventure became floating down whitewater rivers. At first the rivers we ran were easy. As our sense of adventure grew, so did the difficulty of the rivers. We soon discovered that it wasn’t wise to go through rapids until we pulled over and scouted the best possible approach. We witnessed many people just plow through the rapids. Some would make it. Some would capsize and need rescuing. We decided to pull over at fast-moving spots to identify the rocks that could trap or capsize us. We would choose the safest route and then go for it!

This took extra time and effort. However, it increased our chances for a safe and exciting run because we had a plan. There was another alternative. We could have said, “No way, we’re not doing that!” Then we’d have to hike to the road and get a ride to our car. Soon we’d be back at our campsite, ending our adventure and feeling defeated.

Problems are going to arise in life’s adventure. We can scout it out by talking to our sponsors and/or accountability partners, which can lead to developing a good plan. Or we can plow right through with no advice and just hope for the best.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:2 NIV).

In my life before Christ, I would’ve chosen the second option: Don’t ask for anybody’s input. I would just try to figure it out myself. Today, since being transformed by the renewing of my mind to become more like Jesus, I ask for godly input.

It is an exciting adventure with this new way of thinking. I am making good choices. I am not in this alone.

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