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Celebrate Recovery

You Can Rely on God’s Power

“We stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God, who raises the dead.”

2 Corinthians 1:9 (NLT)

God’s strength will carry you through every storm. Sometimes we experience storms that push us to the limit. The apostle Paul would agree. He was once so depressed by his circumstances, he felt like he was out of options. Paul had come to the end of his strength. On his own, he could no longer endure.

How did Paul get through that difficult time? He plugged into God’s power—the same power that raised Jesus from the dead.

How about you? Have you come to the end of your own strength? Are you out of options and wondering where you’ll find the power to take another step forward?

There is just one condition for receiving God’s power in your life: humility.

God doesn’t give his power to arrogant people. Humility is simply admitting to God, “You are God, and I am not. I am powerless to change this situation, so I am giving it to you.” The moment you do, God brings his resurrection power into your situation.

What’s dead in your life? If God can raise a dead man, he can certainly raise a dead marriage, a dead career, or a dead dream. God specializes in turning crucifixions into resurrections.

Where do you need God’s resurrection power in your life? When you learn to rely on him instead of yourself, you will begin to see just how much God can do.

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