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Are You Focused on the Immediate or the Eternal?

As a pastor, you deal with many immediate needs every day—from counseling issues to leadership concerns to preparing your regular …
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Eight Steps to Dreaming Bigger Dreams

Every church leader needs a dream. Most leaders start out with a dream, but those dreams tend to shrink to …

Five Exercises for a Happy Heart

One way to develop a healthy heart is to incorporate exercise into your life, such as walking, swimming, or lifting …

How God Helps Us Walk Through Grief

As we head into the holidays, I know many of you are either walking through grief yourselves or helping others …

How to Grow Through Change

Change comes frequently in life and in ministry. The only thing you can predict about the future is that tomorrow …

Eight Habits That Lead to Financial Blessing

You likely didn’t get into ministry with the hope of getting rich. In fact, you’re probably putting in long days …

Four Ways to Restore Your Strength During Tough Times

We all have moments when we feel like the demands of ministry are too much. We’re ready to quit. Over …

Jesus’ Antidote to Your Stress

I once took my family on a vacation to Lake Tahoe. I hooked up a rather large trailer to my …

How God Uses Your Work to Help You Grow

Pastor, your work matters. God is using you to help people find him. He’s using you to meet the physical, …

Why Leaders Need to Be Readers

We need to balance both input and output in ministry to be healthy. You can’t constantly give unless you’re filling …

The Pathway to Humility

Leaders can often become their own biggest obstacle. When they start to see fruitfulness in their ministries, they may be …

Navigating the Winds of Life

Wind is one of the most powerful forces of nature. Kay and I live in a canyon and experience canyon …

7 Secrets to Overcoming Discouragement

No matter what’s discouraging you today, know this: You’re not alone. The greatest missionary in the history of the church …

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