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Be Ready to Ride the Waves God Brings

Surfing is a big deal in Southern California. Many of the movies and television shows that have popularized the sport …
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Be Ready to Ride the Waves God Brings

Surfing is a big deal in Southern California. Many of the movies and television shows that have popularized the sport …

Embracing Creative Outreach in Your Ministry

In 1992, Saddleback Church became one of the first churches on the internet. Back in those days, the internet was …

Why Speaking the Language of Your Community Matters

What your church says matters. So does how you say it. The church’s number one job is to share the …

The Chemistry of Church Growth

Ever wondered what your high school chemistry class has to do with the struggles your church is experiencing in growth? …

Nine Reasons Easter—and Other Big Days—Can Drive Church Growth

When I look back at the early growth of Saddleback, three days stick out: Christmas, Easter, and Mother’s Day. We …

Reach More People by Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

I grew up in small churches where we prayed long and sang hymns. When Saddleback began, that was the kind …

What I’ve Learned About the Power of Music

I can tell you who your church is reaching right now without ever visiting your church. I just need to …

5 Principles for Building an Evangelistic Culture in Your Church

We all want God to use our churches to reach people for Christ. I don’t believe there is anything more …

Follow Up With New Visitors After Easter

Many people come through the front doors of our churches during Easter—and many people get saved. But, as you already …

Five Things Jesus Is Accomplishing Today

During my time at Saddleback, I preached 43 Easter messages. I never repeated one. I never needed to because there’s …

5 Eternal Funds to Invest In

You’ve heard people say that you can’t take your money with you when you die. But that doesn’t mean you …

Sharing Jesus With the Lost This Christmas

I’ve preached well over 100 Christmas messages during my 40 years as pastor of Saddleback Church. We’ve looked at Christmas …

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