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Embracing Creative Outreach in Your Ministry

In 1992, Saddleback Church became one of the first churches on the internet. Back in those days, the internet was …
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Bring the word of God to the next generation with these resources!

5 Confessions of a “Failed” Church Planter

I’ve planted several churches, and I know how hard it can be. I’ve never “closed” a plant, but I’ve sat …

3 Church-Planting Practices That Need to Die

Over the years, I’ve seen lots of great church-planting practices, and many not-so-great ones. Too many churches open and then …

Multiplication: The Most Important Thing Your Church Will Ever Do

Church planting is part of Saddleback’s DNA. We’ve started at least one church every year since the beginning. It is …

40 Ways to Increase Baptisms in the Next Year

Baptism is the outward sign of an inward change in a person who has placed their trust in Jesus. We …

Increasing Evangelism in Church Planting

Can our people articulate a simple Gospel message and call men and women to faith in Jesus Christ? There’s no …

7 Ingredients for Caring for the Sick

The Christian approach to pain, suffering, and sickness is compassion, mercy, tenderness, and caring. Matthew records, When He saw the …

Be Moved to Compassion and Action for People Suffering with HIV and AIDS

It’s so easy to get comfortable, to settle in, and to spend all of our time thinking only about frivolous, …

What it Takes to Impact the Whole World

You can’t follow Jesus without going with Jesus. Since the earliest days of Saddleback Church, servant-leaders have heeded the call …

Evangelism In a Digital, Social Age

In ministry, some things must never change, but others must change constantly. Clearly, God’s five purposes for his Church are …

How to Be a Good Steward of Your Influence

Everything you have is a gift from God – your health, your life, your salvation, your freedom, your friends, your …

The Seven Pillars that Make PEACE

God always blesses us so we can bless others. After The Purpose Driven Life came out and became one of …

6 Convictions of the Church That Change the World

You tend to base your decisions on one of four motivations in life: circumstances, conveniences, criticisms, or convictions. Yet only …

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