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5 Reasons Church Covenants Work

Commitments are the secret sauce of spiritual growth. Think back to the key times of growth in your own spiritual …
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Discover how to become a purpose driven church with these resources

The Antidote to An Overworked Pastor: Delegation

I learned the hard way what happens when a pastor tries to do it all. When I first started Saddleback, …

Trust God for the Impossible

Can you imagine what it would have been like to be Noah? I’m sure I’d have a million questions for …

Be Like Noah. Be Different. 

Leaders want to make a difference. They want to change the world around them, affect the culture, and influence people.  …

3 Questions to Ask When You’re Discouraged

Discouragement is highly contagious. It’s a disease that’s deadly to ministry leaders, deeply impacting our ministry effectiveness, motivation, and well-being. …

The Three Characteristics Every Church Planter Needs

When Kay and I headed to Southern California in the last days of 1979 to start Saddleback Church, we had …

Four Reasons to Limit Our Freedom

I was still a long-haired hippie when God called me into the ministry. I’ll never forget when I was asked …

Three Ways to Respond to Good Friday

This Friday, we’ll remember the most expensive gift anyone has ever given us: God’s grace.  It’s free to us, but …

Nine Reasons Easter—and Other Big Days—Can Drive Church Growth

When I look back at the early growth of Saddleback, three days stick out: Christmas, Easter, and Mother’s Day. We …
Mountain Lake

Facing Your Fear of Commitment

In more than 50 years of ministry, I’ve encountered many fears that threaten to derail what God wants to do …
Tree in a field

When You Don’t Know the Answer

One common challenge faced by leaders, including pastors and church leaders, is the fear of embarrassment—especially when met with hard …
Man sitting in a field looking at mountains

When You Don’t Feel Like You’re Good Enough

Satan painted a bullseye on your back the moment you stepped up to serve Jesus. So, no matter how you’re …
Boat on a lake

Four Benefits of Trusting God

Faith is an interesting substance. You don’t get it by sitting in a Bible study group. You don’t get it by just …

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