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You Can’t Beat Temptation on Your Own

Pastor, none of us can overcome temptation alone. We need other people to come alongside us and help.  You may …

Testimony: A Safe Place to Share My Struggles

By Meeshia  “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things …

The Recovery Journey: How You and God Work Together

By Pastor Johnny Baker, Pastor and Global Executive Director “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” Mark …

Testimony: Overcoming My Misery Through Jesus Christ

By Will Step 1: We admitted we were powerless over our addictions and compulsive behaviors and that our lives had …

9 Steps to Breaking a Bad Habit

Bad habits and addictions wreck ministries. You see it all the time. The truth is, everyone has bad habits, and …

Testimony: Broken and Full of Christ’s Radiant Life

By Roger Stanton, National Ambassador Coach I’m a grateful believer in Jesus, who is overcoming an addiction to pornography and …

Anointings and Distractions

By Roger Stanton, National Ambassador Coach Shepherds place oil on the forehead of their sheep to help keep them focused …

Why You Should Launch Mental Health Groups at Your Church

If you are reading this article then most likely you have a passion, burden or possibly a curiosity about mental …

Testimony: Victory Is Yours in Christ

By Kristen Hi, my name is Kristen. I am a grateful believer in Christ in recovery for bulimia, overachieving, and …

Shame Keeps Us From God

By Sabrena Stolze, National State Rep Trainer Shame is a terrible motivator. I have struggled in all areas of self-discipline …

Discovering God’s Love and Grace

By Domingo Hi, I’m Domingo, and I’m a grateful believer in Jesus Christ who’s in recovery and struggles with being …

Who Pastors the Pastor?

My cousin’s trembling voice uttered the unthinkable. “Kay, I need to let you know that Wayne took his life this …

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