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Six Reasons to Develop the Habit of Generosity

Starting around Thanksgiving and through Christmas morning, we talk a lot about gifts this time of year. Many people think …

Sharing Jesus With the Lost This Christmas

I’ve preached well over 100 Christmas messages during my 40 years as pastor of Saddleback Church. We’ve looked at Christmas …

Preparing for Your First Sermon Series of the New Year

Once your Christmas services are completed, you’ll likely be ready for some time off before the new year begins. And …

How to Get Back Your Vision for Ministry

Last year, many churches began 2020 with sermons on vision. The opportunity to preach on “Vision 2020” was too much …

What the Christmas Story Teaches Us About God’s Timing (Part 2)

Timing is one of the most important parts of leadership. In fact, the difference between a great leader and a …

What the Christmas Story Teaches Us About God’s Timing (Part 1)

Like many of you, I’ve read and preached the Christmas story many times in my life.  But a few years …

4 Steps to Managing Holiday Stress

Although the holiday season is one of the happiest seasons of the year, it can still be stressful—particularly for those …

Angel Tree Is Bringing Christmas Joy to Children

By Meaghan Grider, National Director Saddleback Church What was Christmas morning like for you as a child? Was it a happy …

How Not To Miss Christmas

The Christmas season adds a lot of extra responsibilities to your plate—including sermon preparation, outreach organization, candlelight service arrangement, Christmas …

3 Lessons We Can Learn from a Difficult Holiday Season

I know the Christmas season isn’t particularly merry for many people. When December rolls around, you’re not thinking of Christmas …

The Gift of Peace

“Peace, I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. …

Turn On the Lights This Christmas

We’re in the season of the year when dark days come with regularity. As we approach the winter solstice on …

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