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Immerse others in God's word with these small group studies

3 Ways to Thank Your Volunteers This Christmas

I’m sure you’ll be saying “Merry Christmas” often in the next few weeks, but there are two other words that …

7 Christmas Sermon Ideas That Engage the Unchurched

Like many of you, I have struggled to prepare Christmas sermons that are faithful to Scripture and yet engaging to …

How to Fear Less as a Leader

Fears hold us back from God’s best for our lives. As a leader, fear hinders your engagement of God’s mission …

The Purpose of Influence

Want to know what matters to Jesus? Check out his very first sermon. You can learn a lot about Jesus’ …

An Angel Tree Christmas

By Susan H. On December 14, 2018, I volunteered to be a part of an Angel Tree Christmas party for …

A Match Made In Heaven

Celebrate Recovery® Principle 8 says, “Yield myself to God to be used to bring this Good News to others, both …

4 Ways God’s Light Shines on Your Dark Places at Christmas

Lights are everywhere this time of year. In Southern California where I live, you’ll see the first lights go up …

5 Ways to Break Through a Growth Barrier This Christmas

A few weeks back we talked about some of the reasons churches plateau. I know it’s a popular topic because …

Christmas Is a Time to Throw a Party!

“I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people” (Luke 2:10b NIV). Did you know …

In the Christmas Season Remember, God Is For You

“But the angel reassured them. ‘Don’t be afraid!’ he said. ‘I bring you good news that will bring great joy …

How to Really Use the Force

I can’t decide if my title is too corny or too obvious, but I have to go with the Star Wars theme, …

Pastor, Have a Joyful Christmas

My prayer for you this week is that God will bless and anoint your ministry. I’m so thankful for your …

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