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How to Find and Pursue God’s Vision for Your Church

God has a vision for your church—and nothing is more important than getting that vision. It’s the reason God put …

God Blesses a Praying Church

  For your church to remain vibrant and fruitful, you need the blessing of God. When God blesses a church, …

Easter Checklist: Helping People Feel Welcome

Easter services are among the most important events at your church each year. You not only celebrate the resurrection of …

6 Ways to Prevent Vision Drift in Your Church

Your most important job as a church leader isn’t to hire and fire. It isn’t to manage a budget. It …

Six Reasons Newcomers Should Get Plugged In

The difference between being a church attender and a church member is commitment. Attenders are spectators from the sidelines; members …

6 Convictions of the Church That Change the World

You tend to base your decisions on one of four motivations in life: circumstances, conveniences, criticisms, or convictions. Yet only …

8 Reasons the Church Is the Greatest Force On Earth

The Church is the most magnificent concept ever created. It has survived persistent abuse, horrifying persecution, and widespread neglect. Yet …

Eight Advantages of the Local Church

One of the things we continually emphasize at Saddleback is that the Church is God’s instrument for ministry here on …

Recovering the Missional Passion of the Church

In order for the church to recover its missional passion, we must reclaim our lost sense of the awesome, overarching …

The Church on Mission: A Subversive Kingdom Excerpt

Some people talk as if the church isn’t necessary to this endeavor anymore, that it no longer applies to his …

New Research: Obedience Not Easy Decision for Believers

Throughout 2012, we have been releasing groundbreaking new research from LifeWay Research’s Transformational Discipleship study. In the study, we were …

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