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Learn to lead like Christ in your ministry with these resources

5 Marks of a Spiritually Mature Leader

At Saddleback, we’ve always tried to make it easy for people to serve. You don’t need to be a committed …

Loving Like Jesus in a Fractured World

Last year was a very difficult year in many ways. Our culture has been battered by one crisis after another: …

How to Strengthen Your Biblical Worldview

God expects you to know not only what you believe but why you believe it. And now, more than ever, our world …

5 Fundamentals for an Evangelical Future

Many say it’s been a tough decade for evangelicals. The media says that Christianity is in great decline. The media, …

Preaching Truth Courageously to the Culture

The Bible says, in John 7:13, “No one had the courage to speak favorably about Jesus in public” (NLT). Even some …

Culture Wars

I believe that God puts us where He wants us. I know that’s an obvious opening statement, but that means …

The Five Stages of Renewal in the Local Church

I believe God is preparing the church for another reformation. The first reformation focused on what the church believed; this …

Loving Muslims Enough to Reach Out, Globally and Locally

If you could travel back in time a hundred years and share some of the discussions we’re having in the …

Before You Lead Your Church Through Change

If your church has plateaued in its growth for a while or shows signs of being unhealthy, things may need …

Three Girls In Cleveland… And Millions Worldwide

Like most of the world, I’m horrified that a monster kidnapped and abused three girls (my daughter’s age when taken) …

Recovering the Missional Passion of the Church

In order for the church to recover its missional passion, we must reclaim our lost sense of the awesome, overarching …

Christianity Isn’t Dying, Cultural Christianity Is

You’ve heard it suggested the U.S. is simply Europe on a 50 year delay. Supposedly most churches will be museums …

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