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Announcing the new Created to Dream Church-Wide Campaign

Three Ways to Respond to Failure

Because we live in an imperfect world, we all will fail in ministry at times. Church leaders don’t get off …

Why Unity Should Matter to Christians

If you want to know what matters most to someone, listen to their last words.  Jesus shared his most intimate …

5 Eternal Funds to Invest In

You’ve heard people say that you can’t take your money with you when you die. But that doesn’t mean you …

5 Ways to Maintain Unity in Your Church

Unity within our churches has been stretched and challenged over the past few years. The world has become more polarizing, …

Four Habits for Building Healthy Relationships

You can’t have an effective ministry without strong relationships. Your ministry is only as successful as your relationships. Relationships are …

Spiritual Growth Campaigns Are a Small Group Factory

Spiritual growth isn’t a solo affair. We grow in community. You can read the Bible on your own. You can …

Why Your Members Need Connection Right Now

Pastors are the most powerful change agents in the world. Only one thing on earth will last forever—the body of …

Five Small Group Values That Encourage Spiritual Growth

Pastor, do you want your congregation to grow? I’m not talking about numerical growth. Do you want your members to …

Why Are Small Groups So Important?

Every one of us needs a support system. A brain surgeon wouldn’t operate without first hooking their patient up to …

Three Ways to Recharge During Your Sabbath

I know many pastors who have been exhausted over the last year. Pastoring during a pandemic has brought unique challenges …

How to Handle Loneliness in Ministry

It doesn’t matter how many people you have around you, you can still feel lonely. Pastors know this well. They’re …

Ask These 9 Questions Before Starting Online Small Groups

The most frequently asked question I get from pastors is always about online small groups, and it’s a question that …

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