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How God Grows You Through the 6 Phases of Faith

Did you know that God uses a very predictable process to build your character? I call it the Six Phases …

Eight Laws for Spiritual Growth

The discipleship process at Saddleback Church is based on the belief that if we focus on building people, God will …

Structuring Your Church to Grow and Not Plateau

How do you structure a church so it just keeps on growing and doesn’t plateau? I believe there are ten …

Plan for Growth During the Christmas Holidays

One of the secrets of growth at Saddleback Church is that we use special days as an evangelism tool and to keep …

To Have a Healthy Church, Have a Healthy Structure

Structure is far more important that we usually realize. Every building in the world has to have the right structure …

It’s Never Too Late to Start Over, Part 1: Why We Fail

Failure doesn’t have to be final. In fact, I believe God wants to put our failures to work for us. …

How to Handle Growing Pains in Your Church

There is no growth without change. And there is no change without loss. And there is no loss without pain. …

Every Leader Needs a God-Sized Ambition

Many leaders never achieve the level of influence they could potentially have because they drift through life on autopilot, maintaining …

8 Acts of a Healthy, Growing Church

B. H. Carroll, a famous Bible scholar, in his commentary, estimates that there were probably a hundred thousand members in …

7 Strategies for Taking Your Community by Storm

Fellow Pastors and church leaders, we are in a battle for souls. The Bible encourages us to “endure hardship as …

8 Steps to Grow Your Church

Do you realize that if your weekend attendance totals about 90 people, you’re an above average church (at least in …

The Most Overlooked Key to a Growing Church

I believe the most overlooked key to growing a church is this: We must love unbelievers the way Jesus did. …

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